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An American Muslim Life in Review

Please click below to start your life review. Responses are collected in survey monkey and an aggregate narrative of the American Muslim community will be shared when the project is finished.


Depending on how well you answer these questions it could take an hour up to several days to complete. Thank you in advance for your help in this historic event.


This information will be collected and utilized to establish a history of the American Muslim community and look at many aspects of history through a relational lens. It has many benefits on both a communal level and individual level. There are also some risks. One risk might be that a question raises a topic that is sensitive for the person answering the question. If it is too sensitive or raises a high level of emotion either positive or negative, you may want to seek professional help in processing this or these questions. You can find an appropriate referral at 1-833-2-Muslim or by emailing There are many benefits as covered in the MMH show on YouTube on Reminiscence. By filling out these questions you consent to this information being collected and utilized for research and public information. No identifying information will be released without express permission.

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